Hi again!
Because I'm really excited about this blog, today I wanted to start a new section, which I've called "In my bookshelf". Although I love reading and I have several novels I would like to recommend for a good read, in this section I'm not going to talk about them. The entries will be about other kind of books; recipies books (like this one!), illustrated books, guides, simply nice books, with lots of inspirations... Creative, different and special books!
So the one I'm talking about in this post (I think I can't call it reviewing) is about frozen yoghurt. It might sound a little bit strange; "a book about frozen yoghurt?", that's it and it is a delicious book!
The autors are two sisters, Constance and Mathilde Lorenzi, owners of the frozen yoghurt shop "It Mylk" in Paris. They share more than 60 recipes (including milkshakes and cupcakes), the secret of a 0% frozen yoghurt and some topping suggestions to try at home!
The book is originally in French but I got it while my stay in Italy last year, so it's in Italian which I can pretty much understand, but, anyway, thanks Google Transalte! The good news is that I've found out that they have realese an english version available online, HERE.
Hola a tots de nou!

En aquest post us n'ensenyo un sobre iogurt gelat, perquè m'encanta el iogurt gelat, i aquest llibre és deliciós!
Les autores són dues germanes, propietàries de la iogurteria "It Mylk" a Paris, la Constance i la Mathilde Lorenzi. En aquest llibre ens comparteixen algunes (+ de 60!) de les millors receptes de frozen iogurt i suggerències de tòpings per provar a casa.
La versió original és en francès, però jo el tinc en italià ja que el vaig comprar l'any passat durant les vacances; s'entén bastant bé, però el Google Traductor sempre dóna un cop de mà ;). També l'he trobat en anglès i el pots comprar online AQUÍ, per el teu Kindle o bé en paper.
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