Today was my first day of school; that's it, back to routine! For the few past weeks, I've seen so many videos/posts/pins about back to school and I wasn't into it at all. But at the end my thought was, 'what better way to go back to school than with positivity and lots of motivations?'; and here it is, my back to school post!
I feel like having nice school supplies makes you want to use them and do a nice work. However, that doesn't mean you have to buy expensive super-cool supplies every year, actually I've been using most of mine for years; the thing is that you can add your personal touch to them by using some washi tapes, metalized color markers, colourful wrapping paper... Also I think that having a good care it's important, so your pens and pencils will still look like new after you have used them for months. Here there are some 'back to school' mini DIY's, from Pinterest :)
And that's my back to school set!
- My weekly planner: can this be more easy to make? I love how this DIY looks on my desk and it's also very useful! You can get it in just a few steps: 1. Go to Microsoft Word (horitzontal orientation) and use the text box tool to organize the days and whatever you would like to have in your planner (like notes or a 'to do list', like I did). 2. Customize it with cool fonts (I get mine from and Word's own settings. 3. Choose one or two matching colours to give your planner some life and print it! 4. You can stick it to a cardboard (tip: previously wrapped with craft paper) and decorate it with washi tape and clips, for example. Done!
- Mint agenda: I got this lovely academic year agenda for just £1!, from a shop in London, Poundland. I absolutely love it, it's got the perfect colour, the perfect size and the perfect design, and not to talk about the prize...
- School supplies: Nothing is missing in my suitcase!; pens, markers, pencils, post-its, highlighters, rubber and sharpener, calculator, a ruler, scissors, colour pencils, scissors... It tends to get a little bit messy...
We have to be realistic, we know that our school supplies don't look always like this picture or Pinterest back-to-school pictures, especially after at the middle of the year... But that's how to get into it; nice supplies, positivity and projects in mind!
I wish the best for the first day of school (if you aren't back yet) and for the rest of the academic year!
See you soon,
Avui ha sigut el meu primer dia d'aquest curs; sí, de tornada a la rutina! Durant les últimes setmanes he vist moooolts videos/posts/pins sobre "Back to school" i realment m'ha costat posar-m'hi. Però al final he pensat, hi ha alguna manera millor de tornar a classe que amb positivitat i motivació? Doncs personalment crec que no, i per això aquí està el meu post sumant-se al Back to School!
Per mi, n bon material escolar sempre fa ganes d'utilitzar-lo i ajuda fer una millor feina; amb això no em refereixo comprar-ne cada any ni el més car o el que és més maco, la idea és donar el teu toc personal al material d'altres anys utilitzant washi tapes, permanents daurat i platejat, paper d'embolicar... Aquí us deixo algunes idees de mini DIY's del Pinterest :)
Aquests són els meus essencials per a la tornada a classe:
- El planificador setmanal: Queda molt bé a l'escriptori, és súper útil i el pots fer amb el Microsoft Word mateix amb poca estona. Prova d'organitzar els elements que vulguis afegir al planificador (com un espai per cada dia de la setmana, un quadre de notes, una llista de coses a fer...) amb l'eixa de 'Text Box'; la resta és afegir-hi lletres diferents (jo les aconsegueixo al i un o dos colors per al tema. Fet!

- L'agenda color 'mint': La vaig aconseguir només per £1 a una botiga de London, Poundland, i no en puc estar més contenta! Té tots els requisits d'una bona agenda; el disseny, el tamany i el color! Ah, i el preu!
- I el material: Mai falta de res al meu estoig (o gairebé): bolis, retoladors, llapis, post-its, subralladors, goma i maquineta, calculadora, un regle, tisores, llapis de colors... Això sí, acostuma a estar una mica desordenat...
Us desitjo el millor en el primer dia i per la resta de curs!
Fins aviat,
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