Welcome 2016 and happy new year to everyone!
I hope you all have enjoyed the holidays and had a great time! This post is going to be a little bit more personal than usually as I'm going to share with you my 2016 resolutions (and others!).
2015 has been an amazing year, and I'm really thankful for the experiences, the opportunities, the people who has shared their year with me, the new people I've got to meet, the new knoledge and how I've grown as a person during these months. Not all have been happy moments, but I belive happiness should make you get over those not-that-happy-moments. And if 2015 hasn't been your year, don't worry, you've got 366 new opportunities in 2016! :)
And with the new year's arrival most of us write down some resolutions or just think how we would like this year to be. I know resolutions aren't a thing you achieve in one day; effort, constancy and positivism will make your resolutions come true (this could be my first resolution). But beginnigs always give you that enthusiasm needed. So here are my top 5 resolutions!:
- Try my best in everything; with effort, constancy and positivism. Don' give up!
- Be so happy that when others look at me they become happy too. (I actually took this quote from one of my sister's T-shirt! hehe)
- Sleep more: stress, work, pressure... sometimes make me go to bed really late and that can't be a good thing in any way. So one of my most important resolutions is sleep more to be fresh, full of energy and ready for the day!
- Take up running: it's not that I don't already do sport, but in some way I feel that I want to get stronger and fitter. Maybe I've been kind of inspired by people that I know they run. I will keep you updated about this in another post!:)
- Get my skin 100% cleared.

Let me know your new year's resolution! I would love to know them and maybe get inspired so I could add some more to my list!
See you soon in my next post,
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