7 October 2015

Cool quotes all around!

Hi everyone!

After my two first weeks of school, I'm back! I've been thinking for the last few days what I would be sharing in my 5th post, and inspiration came to me; in this post I'm sharing some "quotes ideas" along with some thoughts to make this blog a little bit more personal :)

With "quotes ideas" I mean some ideas to have your favourite quotes around you and be able to read them and feel inspired. I know this can sound a little bit cheesy, but don't think I'm talking about romantic long poetry with a deep and existential meening, just cool messages to have in your desk, hanging in your bedroom's wall or as a decoration.

I made this first quote-decor a year ago, I all needed was some fonts from dafont.com, picmonkey.com photo editor and cardboard and nice wrapping paper (for the frame):

Una foto publicada por Paula Balcells (@balpaula) el

The second idea has the quote "It always seems impossible until it's done", and is my most recent project (actually I made it this last weekend):

Una foto publicada por Paula Balcells (@balpaula) el

I don't know if you will agree with me on that, but I think that sometimes little quotes can make you smile or just remind you something that you already know and you believe in.
I'm not a big fan of writing quotes in every Instagram post and I'm not a big fan of writing quotes in every Instagram post and I neither usually use quotes for everything an everywhere (in my school journal and notebooks, pictures...); but when I find a quote that I really feel identified, it's the one I write it out everywhere! (and sometimes make a post about it hahaha).

Have you got any favourite quote or a quote that you feel identified with? Inspirational quotes? Quotes for Instagram bio's? Quotes' Pinterest board? Cool quotes all around!

Leave your opinions in the comments below
and if you want let me read some of your favourite nice quotes!! :)
